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Credit Issues Hurting Your Opportunity of Purchasing!
Tips and Tricks to Raising Up Your Credit Score Quickly & Easily
Short Term vs. Long Term Goals to Raising Up Your Credit Score
Bad Credit, No Credit, No Problem – We can Help You Raise Your Credit Score!
If you’re familiar with ShopAround then you’re already aware that we don’t just do mortgages, refinancing, home loans and real estate. We also do credit analysis and even full-on credit repair if our clients need it in order to position themselves into buying a home. Everyone knows that getting a home loan, a mortgage, refinancing your home or buying a home in general you’re going to need good credit. Credit and buying a home go hand in hand. So why is ShopAround Mortgage and Real Estate Services the only mortgage lender / real estate agency that works with credit for their clients? Because we are cutting edge – we know what our clients need so we take it upon ourselves to do it.
Here at ShopAround we have a full on credit analysis & repair department where we can send our clients to get them ready to buy their first home or their next property. We have everything you need to get you ready to rock! We will get you in the home of your dreams for the price of your dreams. Before we do all that we need to ensure you’re credit is ready for the ride of a lifetime.
In this blog we are going to discuss and compare short term and long term tips and tricks to raising up your credit score. To be clear we are gearing this rise in credit for the sole purpose of purchasing either your first home or your next property. No matter which market your in need of, we got you covered. We will have your credit looking shiny and new in no time at all. If you follow these tips and tricks as we’ve laid them out for you buying a home isn’t going to be a problem at all because your credit will be beautiful and your score will be higher than you’ve ever seen it. Remember — we do real estate and mortgages for a living and we are very good at our job. Stick with us and the information we’re offering and you can’t go wrong.
Obviously short term tricks are going to raise up your score by less points than the long term goals but the short term tricks will raise your score immediately where long term tricks will take much longer to show a change in level. Many of the clients that walk through our door could use any sort of help they can get with their credit. If you’re anything like those clients don’t be shy about it. Ask for help, call us and we will walk you through it all personally on how to raise your score. After we are done working on your credit and getting it to a more-than-acceptable-level we can then get you into the house of your dreams for the price of your dreams because that is another, wonderful, service we provide for our clients.
~Olga Torres
Pico Rivera, CA
~AJ Sapp
Whittier CA
~Brian Rothstein
Arcadia, CA
The reason why we’ve included these testimonials in with this blog is because they all hold a tip and trick as to how you too can raise your credit score either immediately or over time. Most clients don’t really need us to analyze, raise or fix their credit they just need to do what they already know is right and wrong when it comes to credit. Everyone knows you don’t need 66 credit cards and definitely don’t need 66 credit card payments. Why would you have a boat when you don’t even have your car paid off. Why would you have an expensive imported car when you don’t even have a home? Most people’s problem is they don’t have their priorities straight. There’s many people that are addicted to owning too many things in their life. It’s a long time before they realize that their things own them and not the other way around.
the need for money can make people make stupid mistakes. A good example is using a payday loan company. Most of these companies are predatory and are planning on putting you and your paychecks through the ringer for 52 solid weeks as they collect payment after payment far beyond after your loan is fully paid off. These companies are greedy parasites. They will collect payments from you until the very end and even after that. Don’t ever use payday loan companies – that is a HUGE no-no. They don’t help your credit even if you (somehow / someway) fulfill and somehow satisfy their loan agreements. Those companies should be wiped off the planet Earth and the owners of those companies should be put on trial for their crimes to society. It’s just sad…all of it. The saddest part about it is that there are people who still use those companies. Please don’t be that slomo out there that does something stupid like use a payday loan company when you’re in need of some quick cash. We’ve seen this mistake far too many times with too many good people. Please don’t’ be another statistic.
- Splitting Payments into two
Example: If you’re payment is due on the 20th every month you would then pay on the 1st and then again on the 20th. This way your payments are low and easier to handle. Most companies don’t care how you pay – they only care that you pay. Just make sure if you’re’ splitting your payments into 2 that your never late on your 2nd payment and that your balance is always handled in full. - Too Many Credit Cards is Never Good
NOTE: Keep Your wallet / purse as credit card-free as possible. It doesn’t hurt to have one or two for emergency purposes because that time always comes especially when you’re not ready for it. - Never Overdraft Your Account and Always Keep at Least $1500 in There if Possible
NOTE: Places like Wells Fargo put absurd stipulations on you and your account in order to NOT acquire fees for using their bank. Wells Fargo and other big banks have forgotten that they need us and NOT the other way around. Wells Fargo requires you to keep at least $1500 in your account. They require you to have a mortgage through them and they also require you to have a credit card through them in order to NOT be charged the approx. $12 monthly fee to have an account with them. RIDICULOUS! Good luck escaping their monthly fees. Once you meet the requirements I’ve just stated I’m sure they will come up with some requirements after that. - Money Saved is Money NOT Invested
NOTE: Your Mom and Dad probably instilled the belief that you should save all of your money for that rainy day. Problem will arise, they always do. It’s imperative you have liquid assets ready to access if/when you need them for that next problem. We’re not arguing with Mom and Dad’s logic but they weren’t 100% correct. You should obviously save money but don’t’ just let it collect dust in a bank account where you’re charged to keep it there. Instead you should invest that rainy day money. Invest it in something safe, slow and steady. Invest it in something easy to pause, bring to a close or stop so you can access that money when you really need it. This blog isn’t about investing your money so I’m not going to attempt to give you advice on how to do so. This investment idea has to be your own. We can’t do it for you. We will say this though – you’re probably living in Southern California if you’re reading this. Real Estate is your safest bet for an investment. - Consolidate Your Debt Under Your 15-year or 30-year Mortgage
NOTE: Every time you wake up, go to sleep, make a memory, eat a meal or watch football on the couch on Sunday afternoons or Monday nights something amazing is happening. Your home is acquiring equity and growing in value. All of that equity is yours to use in any way you wish. If you purchased your home in the past 10 years the chance are you have a really good interest rate on your mortgage. It’s most definitely under 7% and if it’s not you need to call us immediately at: (844) 307-1748. If you have outstanding credit card debt at interest rates over 10%, student loans, private loans, IRS debt or payday loan advances you really need to refinance your home or property and consolidate your existing debt under the mortgage of your home. Yes, it’s that simple. You’re probably wondering why you didn’t’ think of yourself. That’s OK – we get paid to do what we do so don’t’ beat yourself up if you didn’t think of this consolidation idea. We are here to help. Call us immediately and we will assist you in refinancing your home or property and paying off your current debt. We are full of great ideas like this to wiping out your debt and raising up your credit score. So what are you waiting for? Contact Us Credit Help! - Get Rid of Your Debt
NOTE: We’re sure this sounds easier than it actually is but here’s the ONLY way to do it unless you happen to have a bunch of money saved in your sock drawer you haven’t discussed with anyone. Here’s the ONLY way to knock out your debt in a timely fashion. All you need to do, all you can do is increase your monthly payments on things like your car, your credit card or even your student loan to pay them off quicker. The quicker you pay them off the quicker you no longer have that debt. Instead of having a 10-20 year plan to pay off your student loan you can double that monthly payment in order to take it off your proverbial debt plate in only 5-7 years instead. - Don’t Rack Up Any More Debt
NOTE: That sounds easier than it probably is. Some people are addicted to spending and even worst they are addicted to racking up debt while acquiring more junk they don’t need. It’s one thing to be a shopaholic – it’s an entirely other beast to put yourself in more debt every time you feel you need to add something else to your collection of things you don’t need. People scared to use their cash only have one avenue to go down if they want to own that new purse, shoes, cars, computers or more! If you need to finance something in order to own it, you probably don’t’ need it. Unless it is a house! - Remove All Liens from Your Home and Car
NOTE: Liens are tricky, sneaky and they pop up when you least expect it on your home and your car. If you have liens on your property or car they can stop you from selling, buying another property or car and they can most definitely destroy your credit score. If you want a quick and easy tip and trick to raising your credit score then get all of the liens on your car or your property removed immediately. Please go now and satisfy whatever fine, fee or stipulation you need to satisfy in order to get it removed. - Get a Higher-Paying Job or Way to Make More Money Monthly
NOTE: This is easier than you think and in this era (even with the pandemic) you can make a lot of money in the current economy. There are tons of ways to increase your monthly income. There are a million and one apps in the app store that can offer you jobs, hustles and cool ways to make extra money. If you’re a person who loves to shop then open an online store and start selling all of the stuff you no longer use or wear. it’s that simple. Online sales are great and a wonderful way to raise A LOT of quick money, knock out debt with the extra cash you earned and increase your credit score. A new job or way to make extra money is the best way to lower your Debt to Income Ratio (aka.- DTI).
This conversation and this blog is not over but this part of it is. We’ve given you so much to chew on here and think about. Please take your time when reading this blog, study what we’ve said and apply it to your life, your debt, income and credit score. If you do EXACTLY what we’ve recommended here you’ll have no problems at all knocking out debt, lowering your DTI, increasing your savings & liquid assets and of course raising your credit score. This is a foolproof plan and there’s no possible way it can’t work for you. You would need to have an extremely unique case for these tips and tricks to not work for you. Your higher credit score and financial independence is right around the corner.